Both the organisation structure and the management proposed for ParaFrap governance guarantee that the Joint Research, Training and Spreading Programme are monitored, evaluated and adjusted accordingly and approved by an Executive Committee (EC) composed of experienced representatives of the consortium. An external Scientific Advisory Board (eSAB) of internationally renowned scientists will oversee the ParaFrap activities and select consortium internal research proposal for financial support, and candidates for young group leader position.
The ParaFrap scientific management will involve: a Scientific Director and three deputy Directors, an Executive Committee, four Research Work package leaders (and their deputies), a Coordinator of the PhD programme, an Institutional Board and an external Scientific Advisory Board.
Particular emphasis will be devoted to strong and long-lasting integrating activities among the ParaFrap participants. The consortium will benefit from thoughtful management practices developed at the Executive Committee level, specifically tailored to enhance relevance, importance, scientific quality coordination, participation, productivity and communication. The management of ParaFrap will enhance effective coordination among the participating institutions to stimulate more collaborative research with industrial partners and to address a common problem, such management of Intellectual Property, earmarking funds specifically for collaborative research projects, creating multi-institutional PhD training programs, etc.
This consortium will also develop efforts on an efficient organization to share existing platforms and to develop the new facilities required to overcome current roadblocks in parasitology research. This integration will capitalize on existing institutional resources and allow rationalization of future infrastructure developments and research activities. ParaFrap will stimulate more collaborative projects, greater use of common protocols and databases, and more efficient use of research resources. This will be achieved by internal competitive calls for research funds.
Importantly, all funds are awarded on a competitive level. This concerns PhD fellowships, post doc positions, young group leader positions and funds for collaborative research projects. The collaborative aspects are given the topmost priority and applications are evaluated by an external Scientific Advisory Board.
The external Scientific Advisory Board is composed of 8 members, which include only foreign scientists. The members were selected on the basis of three fundamental criteria:
(i) internationally recognized excellence in their respective fields of expertise (making sure that the competence of the Board covers all the fields of the ParaFrap)
(ii) recognized expertise in leading important research organizations or in the participation of important Scientific Advisory Boards
(iii) recognized ability to actively provide constructive scientific input. The Scientific Advisory Board will be consulted before taking major strategic decision.
Interactions between participants of the ParaFrap are fostered by the identification of crossover themes and technologies, as well as by common technical strategies. A major emphasis is put on interactions of the ParaFrap participants with PhD students and post doctoral positions, which are selected according to strong interactions and joint projects submitted by at least two distinct participants or an industrial partners.
ParaFrap Webinar Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 15:00 (CET) Gretchen...
Two PostDoc positions on Trypanosoma brucei and its interactions with blood vessels, Lisbon, Portugal A collaborative project in the Lisbon area, Portugal, to explore groundbreaking interactions between...
Postdoctoral position, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France A 24-month post-doctoral position starting on March 1st 2025 and funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) is available in the Trypanosome...
Postdoctoral positions, LPHI Lab, Montpellier, France Two ERC-funded (JANUS 2024-2029) postdoc positions are open in the lab to study cell cycle regulation in malaria...
Postdoctoral position, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France A postdoc position is available at the Institut Pasteur Paris, in the signalling and host-parasite interactions research group, headed by Dr Najma Rachidi...
ABOUT SPEAKERS PROGRAMME REGISTRATION CONTACT LOCATION About the workshop ParaFrap is organizing the ParaFrap Next Generation in Parasitology...
[Communiqué] As part of the actions of the Health Innovation Plan 2030, the health component of the France 2030 plan, Mohamed-Ali Hakimi is one of the 22 laureates of an Excellence Chair in Biology/Health, supported to conduct high-level research...
The York Biomedical Research Institute (YBRI) are hosting an online live seminar on Friday 24th May 1-2pm BST as part of their biomedical science seminar series. You are all welcome to attend - registration is required via the...
[Communiqué] Congratulations to Arthur Talman, IRD Research Leader in the MIVEGEC laboratory (Montpellier), who has been awarded an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) for the project "TROJAN - Molecular mimicry and immune...
Ana Rita Gomes, a CNRS Research Associate at the Laboratory of Pathogens and Host Immunity in Montpellier, and former Postdoctoral fellow of the LabEx ParaFrap, has been awarded the prestigious CNRS Bronze Medal in 2023. This...
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