The Institutional Board will be constituted of Top Level Executives mandated to speak on behalf of their participating institution (CNRS, INSERM, IRD, Universities). It is the body of connection between the ParaFrap community with their institutional decision-makers, it will oversee the consortium activities submitted to them annually. The IB will discuss the needs and implementation in terms of infrastructure and resources. It is anticipated that these will impact on choices of the individual institutions for future, co-ordinated strategic investments and possibly fund raising.
This process secures agreement of each institution to the ParaFrap portfolio and budget, and guarantees transparency to the decision and planning procedures at the national level. This is an essential aspect of French integration of research in the field of parasitology. The Institutional Board provides a body for identifying any critical issues (personnel, training programmes/facilities, infrastructures, resources) necessitating specific action to be taken at the institutional level to promote and facilitate parasitology-related activities and favour integration within the overall research agenda.
All major institutions participating in ParaFrap have a longstanding history in supporting infectious disease research and are very keen to support this LabEx consortium.
Members of the IB :
Other partners of the LabEx are invited as permanent guests.
In addition, guest members may participate to the IB :
Postdoctoral Research Associate, York, UK Applications are invited for a postdoctoral researcher for 36 months to characterise the signalling pathways that regulate autophagy, lysosome exocytosis and biomolecular...
mRNA-based malaria vaccines, Paris, France The Malaria Parasite Biology and Vaccines Unit at Institut Pasteur (Prof. Chetan Chitnis), Paris announces a position for a post-doctoral fellow on a project to develop...
ABOUT SPEAKERS PROGRAMME REGISTRATION CONTACT LOCATION About the workshop ParaFrap is organizing the ParaFrap Next Generation in Parasitology...
Computational postdoctoral researcher in malaria and erythropoiesis, Montpellier, France The MIVEGEC Lab is seeking a highly motivated and talented postdoctoral researcher to join our team investigating the...
[Communiqué] As part of the actions of the Health Innovation Plan 2030, the health component of the France 2030 plan, Mohamed-Ali Hakimi is one of the 22 laureates of an Excellence Chair in Biology/Health, supported to conduct high-level research...
The York Biomedical Research Institute (YBRI) are hosting an online live seminar on Friday 24th May 1-2pm BST as part of their biomedical science seminar series. You are all welcome to attend - registration is required via the...
[Communiqué] Congratulations to Arthur Talman, IRD Research Leader in the MIVEGEC laboratory (Montpellier), who has been awarded an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) for the project "TROJAN - Molecular mimicry and immune...
Ana Rita Gomes, a CNRS Research Associate at the Laboratory of Pathogens and Host Immunity in Montpellier, and former Postdoctoral fellow of the LabEx ParaFrap, has been awarded the prestigious CNRS Bronze Medal in 2023. This...
Senior PostDoc position : computational biologist, Paris, France The ParSig team ( at the Institut Pasteur in Paris seeks for a highly...
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